Donnerstag, 29. Mai 2014


I do not know how to feel about nineteen. On on hand, you’re older than eighteen, but on the other hand nineteen is just an awkward number between eighteen and twenty. Like seventeen.

Anyways, I’m lucky to be here and therefore I wanted to celebrate my nineteenth birthday by going out. Unfortunately most of my friends had to babysit the Saturday evening so only Michaela and Maren agreed.

As my birthday was on a Sunday, we decided to go out the evening before and celebrate into my birthday.

The Saturday morning I woke up early to get ready to go to London as Meret and her boyfriend spend the weekend there and she wanted Marine and I to meet him.

When we arrived in Waterloo, we first had to look out for the love birdies but we soon found them. After the usual greeting we decided to walk around a bit and sit on a bench where we had a nice view on Thames. As a birthday gift Meret had bought us all Cupcakes which were delicious. Usually I do not really like cupcakes but I have to admit the ones we had were pretty good.

After walking around London for a bit and eating some snacks, Marine and I had to say goodbye to the lovely couple and got onto the train back home.

I had one hour wash my hair, straighten it a bit, do my make-up and wear something nice.

In the end, it didn’t really matter as we were dancing a lot and sweating; besides, it was dark in the club we went to – Jaxx.

I had such a nice time with the girls and I can’t thank them enough for making that time more special than it actually was.

I can’t remember what time I went home but I was pretty tired – and happy!

The next day, I got up reeeaaalllyyyyy late and went downstairs to find a card and a gift of my host family for me. I got a lovely bracelet and my host mum even baked me cake! And it tasted amazing!!

To sum it up I had a fantastic birthday here and I enjoyed every single moment of it! 

Me, Michi and Maren 

Beautiful faces, hehe

Ocean full of love ♥

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